Adding an Image

Adding an Image


Images can be added to:
  1. News Stories
  2. Pages
  3. Events
  4. Councillors and Staff


Images can be added to pages, new stories, events or staff.
  1. Using the Featured Image on the right hand side of the page means that if the item appears on the Home Page, this image will appear on the Home Page as a "headline" image. Featured Image should be used for Staff or Councillors.  It is also a good option for News Stories as these will appear on the Home Page.
  2. Inserting the image into the Article Body places the image within the text of the article, but this image will not appear on the Home Page.  This is useful to add additional images to the article.
  3. Using gallery option on the body of the page is useful if you want to add more than one image at the top of your post in a carousel format.  It's best not to use this and Featured Image in the same post as the pictures appear one on top of the other within your post, so this should not be used if your page links to the Home Page.

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