Set a Featured Image

Set a Featured Image


Featured images can be added to:
  1. News Stories
  2. Pages
  3. Events


This is the image that will appear alongside your news story. Click the 'Set featured image' link to choose your image.

Accessibility Hint: Remember to enter appropriate alt-text, caption and description for an image once you've selected it.

You have 4 options for adding an image:

Use an image already uploaded into your site

By default, the media viewer will display all your previously uploaded images.

Upload a new image

Click on the 'Upload Files' tab in the top left.
Drag an image into the page, or click 'Select Files' to choose an image from your file explorer.

Choose a stock image from an online resource

If you don't have an appropriate image, you can use the built-in image lookup. Click on 'Instant Images' and then enter a keyword to search for something appropriate.
If you can't find anything on the default service, you can choose from another service and search again.

For some services you can use drop-downs to make your search more specific:

Don't choose an image

It isn't a requirement to include an image, but images make news stories more engaging, so we'd recommend choosing something, even if it's one you've used before.

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