Using the MasterMap Export tool in XMAP
This tool allows you to download layers stored in your account. You can export to a range of formats. This is useful for exporting information if you need to use it in other mapping software.
In the current version of the tool the export functionality is limited to exporting the following layers:
- OS MasterMap Topography Layer
The tool is limited to the following formats:
This tool is only available to some XMAP account administrators.
This tool is not currently available in Parish Online.
Using the tool
To export a layer:
- In the top menu bar click TOOLS then MasterMap Export. A panel will appear on the left hand side.
- Enter a filename for your export. Use something descriptive such as the geographic area you're about to export. e.g. "Basingstoke Town Centre"
- Click the drop-down to select the layers you want to export. Multiple layers can be ticked. Once you're happy with your selection, click in any white space on the left to close the drop-down box.
- Next choose an output format from the drop-down box. Only one option can be selected.
- Next select the area to export by clicking on the Rectangle drawing tool and then drawing on the map to drag out a rectangle. If you're not happy with your selection you can click the red Bin icon to clear the drawing and start again.
- Click the Export button and your selection will be downloaded to the default download location on your web browser.
Things to Note
- To draw the box, it's a left-click drag rather than two single clicks.
- You don't have to be viewing MasterMap on the map to Export MasterMap.
- There is a limit on the export so if you try to export an area too large it will notify you.
- The exported data will include the area you defined, including polygons or lines that intersect your defined area. So (due to the way MasterMap is constructed) you'll end up with your chosen area plus a few polygons and lines outside it. This way we don't cut the polygon or line in half and change its size.
Selection of area in XMAP

The resulting output loadedinto a desktop GIS package.

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