Using Table View

Using Table View


The Table View (previously called 'List') allows you to see the contents of a Map layer in a spreadsheet-style view. If you have editing rights for the Map Layer you're viewing, you can edit the information from this view.

Accessing Table View

There are two ways to access the Table View:

  • Top Menu. Click on 'TABLE' in the top menu bar to open it. Then you will need to choose the Map Layer you want to view the data for by using the drop-down in the top left.
  • Layer Mini-menu. With a Map Layer switched on, hover over the tick and click the Cog to open the mini menu. Then click 'Table View'. The mini-menu can also be accessed with a right-click or control click. As you've already specified which Map Layer you want to view, it will open up that data immediately.

Features of Table View


Along the top of the Table View there are additional drop-downs and text boxes. You can use these to drill-down to display only the information you're interested in.

For example, you could choose the Category column, keep "contains" as the default, then type "Beach Hut". This will hide all results that don't have the Category that contains the words beach hut.

When using the 'Contains' operator you can enter multiple values to filter by. For example, you can find all records that contain 'red', 'green', and 'blue' within a field.

Click the button in the top right to bring up a box where you can enter the values you want.

View on Map

This allows you to select a row of data and go view it on the map.

  1. Click the row you're interested in. This will highlight it and show editing options if you have permissions.
  2. Then click the "View on Map" button in the bottom right.


The export feature allows you to export the whole table as a CSV (comma separated values) file. A CSV file will open in Excel, Notepad or any spreadsheet software package.

  1. Click the "Export" button in the bottom right.
  2. It will pop up a box to show you how many records it will be exporting.
  3. You can optionally tick the 'include metadata' box if you'd like additional information for each record, such as 'Date Last Modified' and the coordinates of the map feature.
  4. Click Export again and it'll download to your browser's default download location.

Note: if you've used the drill-down function then it will only export the those results, else it will download everything in that Map Layer.


If you're viewing the table of a Map Layer that you have editing rights for, then when you click on a row it will switch to an editing view. This allows you to enter and change values, just as you would from the Feature Editor when you initially created the map object.

Note: rules still apply for required fields and drop-downs, so it may give you a warning if you're trying to delete something that's required or mandatory.

Once you've entered the value you want, you can either click ENTER on your keyboard or click away from that row. A green pop-up will display to confirm the saved changes.

Attachment Notifier

If your map features have attachments, an attachment icon will show on the left-hand side of each record. Clicking on the icon will show a list of attachments. They can be viewed or edited.

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