Setting up the Booking System

Setting up the Booking System


The built-in booking system in Parish Online Websites allows you to take bookings for rooms, halls, sports locations and more. You can specify the pricing and availability, and take payments through PayPal or directly on site.

There are a few quirks with this as it's a module we've added into the site and fine-tuned as best we can.

Initial Setup

Settings - General

  1. Use Service Duration for Booking a Time Slot - ON

Settings - Company

  1. Add your parish name
  2. Add your parish website
  3. Add a bookings@ email address (create a Shared Mailbox if you don't have one already)

Settings - Notifications

  1. Add your parish name
  2. Add your bookings shared mailbox

Settings - Payments

  1. Choose the payment methods you're going to allow.

Adding Services

For each service you're going to add you'll need to add a;
  1. Location - a description of where it is
  2. Employee - this is an odd term to use for this, but would essentially be the description of the location again.
  3. Service - this is what the person booking the asset will order.
So if you have 4 services, you should set up the Location, Employee and Service sections like this:

To achieve this;
  1. Go to Locations
    1. Add Location
    2. Enter a name for the location
    3. Save
  2. Go to Employees
    1. Add Employee
    2. First Name and Last Name can be something like "Village" "Hall"
    3. Email - a shared mailbox, e.g.
    4. Assigned Services
    5. Select on

Embedding in your website

Just one service
[ameliacatalogbooking service=1]

All categories
[ameliacatalogbooking category=2]

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