QGIS - Print issues with WMS basemaps
Print issue - only half the map is showing:
If you come across an issue with QGIS and using XMAP WMS base-mapping feeds, where by a print export is only producing only half a base-map image then there are two options to fix this.
The reason for this may be that the image size is too large, or the export quality (DPI) if too high.
Option 1: Reduce the DPI.
Within QGIS you have the option to reduce the DPI when you print a map. If the intended map is only ever going to be published as a PDF, then reducing the DPI will help. However, reducing the DPI will not work if you want to print the map as a hard copy.
Option 2: Use Tiled WMS.
In QGIS, remove the current base layer and then if you select Layer -> Add Layer -> Add WMS/WMTS Layer you can then select the WMS feed from the drop down, click the layer you want and then populate the Tile Size option with a smaller value, such as 256 (note, you must populate both left and right text inputs).
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