Paying your Parish Online subscription

Paying your Parish Online subscription


XMAP and Parish Online is provided by Geoxphere Ltd as an annual subscription service. It is a chargeable service in order to keep our servers, software development, mapping updates, security and support services up and running.

When will I get invoiced?

You will be sent an invoice by email whenever you first sign up to XMAP or Parish Online, or when your renewal is due.

The email will have the subject: "New invoice from Parish Online #AB01ABC-0001"

The code after the # includes your Parish ID.

How often will I be invoiced?

You will be invoiced once every year on the anniversary of your sign-up date.

How do I pay?

There are three methods for paying your subscription:

  • Using the Stripe Card Payment linkRECOMMENDED Your invoice will include a link to pay by Debit or Credit Card. This will take you to a secure website to fill in your card details and pay. Once the transaction is successful you'll receive an email notification.
  • By BACS payment. If you're able to do a bank transfer, please send it to the account details on your invoice. Please include your invoice ID in the transaction reference.
  • By Cheque. If your Council still requires payment by cheque then the details for how to pay are included in the email. You should send a cheque payable to 'Geoxphere Ltd' and send it to 'Geoxphere Ltd, PO Box 6987, Basingstoke, RG24 4HQ". Please note that our PO Box takes up to a week for us to receive the letter so don't bother sending it first class.

What if I can't pay within the terms of the invoice?

We understand that some customers have to get approval for purchases and often need cheques double-signed. We offer a certain amount of lenience for this.

Please let us know if you're not going to be able to pay within the terms of the invoice and we can note it on your account.

Can I print my Invoice?

Yes, when you receive your email invoice, at the bottom of the email there's a link 'Download PDF'. This will produce a PDF that you can then printout, if required.

Are we VAT registered?

Yes, our VAT number is GB 296 312 096.

I've got a discount code applied to my account. Will this apply each year?

If you've got a discount such as a "Complimentary" discount or an "Early Adopter" discount then this discount will be applied to your account every year of your subscription. The discount will only remain on your account with a continuous subscription. So if you cancel then re-subscribe at a later date, your discount will no longer apply.

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