Forgot Password Page Issues
When trying to reset your password you might get the following error:
This can be for a number of reasons. This article is here to help.
Email isn't registered on our system
This might happen if:
- You genuinely don't have an account with us
- Your administrator/colleague entered your email address in incorrectly.
This is a tricky one to solve, so it's best to create a support ticket and we'll investigate for you.
You already have an outstanding password reset request
If you're trying this again after not receiving an email from us, this may indicate that it did work but the email has gone to spam. Try checking your spam folder. If you can't find anything, drop us a support ticket and we'll investigate.
Reset my password but it doesn't work
If you've gone through the Reset Password process, received an email, created a new password and tried to log in again and it still doesn't work. There are a few possible reasons for that.
Check you're entering the right password
Sounds obvious, but worth double-checking. It happens more than you would think.
Your organisation account has two user accounts registered with your email address
If there are two user accounts with the same email then our system gets confused and there's a high likelihood that your password reset will have appeared to work, but hasn't. Get your administrator/colleague to check the list of users to make sure there aren't duplicates. If you are the administrator then create a support ticket and we'll help.

Please note: this happens a lot, especially with consultants who have access to multiple accounts. We have ways to help with this, so create a ticket to discuss with us.