Table View

Table View


Table or Table View allows users to quickly view all the attribute values of a feature in a spreadsheet style. This allows users to quickly look over all values within the layer, or run filters/query to retrieve a subset of the data and export the data to CSV. Where permissions have been applied to the user and layer, values can also be edited directly here. 

Accessing Table View:

Table view can be accessed from two places:
  1. Via the menu bar running across the top of the map and clicking TABLE
  2. Clicking on the setting cog against a layer and clicking on TABLE VIEW

View Modes:

View modes are currently rolling out and may not be available to all users.
Table view will open by default in split screen mode, taking up the bottom half of the screen. On the top right of the table tool, there is a full screen button. Clicking this enters full screen mode and enables the Export tool.
Whilst in split screen mode, on the top left of the toolbar, there is an arrow. You can click this to expand or contract the horizontal size of the table.

Table View Options:


In the LAYER dropdown users have the ability to select a layer, or do a textual search to find a layer


In the COLUMN dropdown users can choose the column name that they want to filter/query on


In the TYPE dropdown users can choose on how they perform the filter/query.
  1. Exact Values - if chosen XMAP will loop through the data to retrieve a list of all the unquie values for you to choose. 
  2. Start with - choose the first few characters at the start of a word or title
  3. Ends with - choose the last few characters at the end of a word or title
  4. Contains - this is a wild card search and will return any matching search values. 


In the VALUE field type in the value to you want to search on. XMAP will automatically return any matching results. 

Zoom To Feature:

In fullscreen mode
Anytime you click on a row of data a VIEW ON MAP button will appear in the bottom right of the window. Click on this to zoom that feature within XMAP. 

In splitscreen mode
Click on a row and the map will zoom to the object.

Exporting Data:

Export is only available in full screen mode.
Once data have been returned either via choosing a LAYER or performing a filter/query click on the EXPORT button in the bottom right of the window. This will download the data as a CSV file. 

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