Make new Map Layers appear in the Layer Control

Make new Map Layers appear in the Layer Control


XMAP's Admin Panel has a hierarchical system that gives you great control over the layers that are visible to your users. This is covered in the following articles:
  1. Profiles
  2. Collections
  3. Layers
However, it may not be completely obvious when first starting to use XMAP how to get your newly created layer visible on the map.

Method and Explanation

Here's the quick explanation:
  1. Users are assigned to Profiles
  2. Profiles contain configuration for the Collections, Tools and Start Layers
  3. Collections are essentially folders of Layers
So to make your layer visible in the Layer Control you'll need to:
  1. Add your Layer to a Collection
  2. Add your Collection to a Profile


How do I know if I've put all the layers into Collections, or if I've missed one?
In the Admin Panel dashboard there's a widget called "Unused Layers". This shows you the layers that are in your account but not added to Collections. Clicking on one of these will give you an option to add it to a Collection.

I've added the Layer to a Collection and added that Collection to a Profile but it's still not showing in the Admin Panel. What's gone wrong?
It's possible that your user account is assigned to a different Profile, and therefore doesn't have that new layer.

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