Giving a new councillor a email address

Giving a new councillor a email address


Your subscription comes with up to 20 mailboxes. If you have a new councillor then you can give them a new email address for free.

If you've reached your 20 user limit then you can get in touch with support and purchase additional mailboxes.

In this tutorial we're going to log into your Email Admin Panel and create a new user.


  1. Firstly, email to tell us you want to add a new councillor (or multiple). We'll make sure you've got enough licences.
  2. Go to and log in with your clerk email address and password.
  3. Click on Users in the left-hand panel
  4. Click Add
  5. Enter their first and last name
  6. Change the username to what you want it to be. It will auto-fill to firstname.lastname, but you can change that.
  7. Click Auto-generate in the Password box. Click the eyeball icon and make a note of this password.
  8. Click Add
We'd recommend keeping your email addresses consistent. So if you all have cllr.firstname.lastname, then make sure any new ones you create follow that format.

If you get the "Limit Reached" message, email support to make sure your account has enough user licences applied. Don't attempt to buy more licences yourself.

Tidying Up

If you have Distribution Lists set up, now is a good time to go and add the new user to those lists.
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