Getting your PSGA Number

Getting your PSGA Number


Watch our Insights session on the PSGA and APGB licences.


Note: this article is for the benefit of Parish Online users
The PSGA stands for the 'Public Sector Geospatial Agreement'. It licences all public bodies to legally use Ordnance Survey maps, address databases and datasets derived from Ordnance Survey data for their work.

This includes bodies such as District, Borough and County Councils, the Police, the NHS, and, of course, Town and Parish Councils. It was established by Central Government and is funded centrally, removing the need for each public body to pay for the mapping separately. This means it is 'free at the point of use'.

As a result you will need a PSGA Licence Number if your Town, Community or Parish Council wishes to use Parish Online (or XMAP) as it contains the Ordnance Survey Maps and Address Databases provided through the PSGA.

Registering for the PSGA

Registering is easy, simply fill in the form using this link and select the 'I am applying to join the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA) and agree to the terms & conditions for both the PSGA and Royal Mail's PSL Use Terms' option in the Application Type Section.

After registering you will be assigned a PSGA license number which will look similar to this: AC123456789. If you have an old record, it may look like this: 100012345.

Adding your PSGA Number

Adding your number during sign-up

Once you have your licence number you can then sign up to Parish Online and enter the number when prompted in the sign up form.

Please note: we can only accept the new format numbers starting with AC. If you have an old one, drop us a message and we'll be able to convert it for you.

Adding your number after sign-up

If you have an account that doesn't have a PSGA number applied then you won't have access to the premium mapping available through the agreement. To add your licence number:
  1. Log into Parish Online
  2. Go to the Admin Panel by clicking on the Cog icon in the top right and clicking 'Administration'
  3. Click 'My Organisation' then 'Settings'
  4. Add your number into the box and click Save
This will automatically add the datasets you're allowed through the agreement into your account.

Complying with the PSGA licence agreement

As part of the agreement you agree to adhering to the terms of the licence, whether that's within Parish Online / XMAP or in any other mapping software.
As an overview this includes:
  1. Ensuring all maps produced that include PSGA data carry the correct copyright statement. (Parish Online does this for you).
  2. Ensuring the mapping is only used for local council business. i.e. it shouldn't be sold or distributed beyond your organisation unless for parish-focused work.
  3. Ensuring any information derived from PSGA licenced data also adheres to the agreement. e.g. if you trace or copy PSGA data
For clarification on any use of PSGA, please contact the PSGA team directly.

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