The settings panel allows you to override the default emails sent by XMAP when a new user is created, or if a password reset is initiated.
New User Template
Emails sent to new users.
Once activated, admins have the ability to set an Email Subject and Email Title, and populate the Body Text and 2nd Body Text.
In the Email Components section, Dynamic Tags can by copied and pasted in the Body Text sections, to create templated responses with Tags automatically populated.
Upon Saving, admins can opt to change the Email Settings so that emails will either automatically or manually sent to new users.
Forgot Password Template
Emails sent to existing users to reset their password
Once activated, admins have the ability to set an Email Subject and Email Title, and populate the Body Text and 2nd Body Text.
In the Email Components section, Dynamic Tags can by copied and pasted in the Body Text sections, to create templated responses with Tags automatically populated.
Upon Saving, admins can opt to change the Email Settings so that emails will either automatically or manually sent to new users.