Adding Top-level menu items

Adding Top-level menu items


This shows you how to add a new Page or Signposting Page to your top-level menu for your website.


Whilst there is no limit to adding new menu items,
it is strongly advised to keep the number of links at the top-level menu as low as possible.
Top menus can get overwhelming to the visitor, and whilst you may think you're making things easier to see, you're actually hiding content in a big list.

Before adding a new top-level menu, consider:
  1. Adding a link to the "Popular Links" section. This highlights pages in the Search and Footer.
  2. Adding a link to the "Quick Links" section. This puts the page link on the homepage, making it easy to find.

Adding a new Top-level menu link

To add a new link:
  1. Log into your website admin panel
  2. Go to 'General'
  3. Scroll down to the "Services and Information Links" section
  4. Click "Add Links"
  5. Click "Select Link"
  6. Choose an existing page then click "Add Link"
  7. Click Update on the General page

Reordering Top-level menu links

To re-order menu items, hover over the numbers to the left of the links then click and drag them into the order you like.

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