There are various ways to access WMS/WFS data depending on your requirements.
Public Access:
To make a public WMS/WFS feed WITH attributes/columns, in the admin panel go to:
DATA >> LAYERS and find the layer that you want to make Public. Set the columns you want to make public under the COLUMNS tab, click SAVE
To make a public WMS/WFS feed WITHOUT the feed containing attributes/columns, in the admin panel go to:
DATA >> LAYERS and find the layer that you want to make Public. Then go to the EXTERNAL ACCESS tab and click on Public Access.
WMS: https://{CUSTOMER-ID}
WFS: https://{CUSTOMER-ID}
At any point you can remove public access by unchecking the Public Access button in the EXTERNAL ACCESS tab.
Private Access:

IMPORTANT : To make a WFS/WMS private (requiring a username and password) first log a call and the XMAP team will setup a new user/password for Private WMS/WFS feeds.
To make a private WMS/WFS feed, in the admin panel go to
DATA >> LAYERS and find the layer that you want to make privately advertised.
Then go to the EXTERNAL ACCESS tab and click on Advertised.
This will now advertise the layer in any authorised Get Capabilties responses.
WMS: https://{CUSTOMER-ID}
WFS: https://{CUSTOMER-ID}
To access to the private feeds use the username and password supplied.
Inline Credentials:

Do not use this option in publicly available applications.
If your client cannot support Basic Authorization, you can use this URL format to pass credentials inline.
Calling a specific layer in a URL
If your client cannot parse Get Capabilities responses, or you wish to call unadvertised layers directly, you can use this format:
For example:
For help regarding a specific service, contact support.
ESRI Software
Depending on the configuration of the service and the specific ESRI product, there are a number of issues that may occur.
Connection works in catalog but not on map:
In this case, use the fallback (inline) URL. This is caused by software not correctly passing through basic authorization.
WMTS Layer does not align to map
The software has selected the first Tile Matrix which may not be compatible with your project. Configure the layer to use the desired 'Tiling Scheme'
Cross Origin Resource Blocked (Arc GIS Portal)
Your portal may be configured to block cross domain requests: