New Energy Performance Certificate Map launched - how will you use this data?

New Energy Performance Certificate Map launched - how will you use this data?

You may have seen that we've recently added a new dataset; EPC Register Map. It's a map showing the Energy Performance Certificate ratings for residential properties in England and Wales.

We've created a new dataset to help with visualising neighbourhoods that could benefit the most from insulation and energy efficiency improvements. This dataset will help teams who manage grants and climate emergency plans.

When you click on one of the records, the left-hand panel will see information about the EPC as well as suggestions for improvements that can be made to the property to increase the score.

We've love to know your thoughts on this dataset and how you might use it.

You'll see that we have different views and styles for the data, so we've like to get your suggestions for new adaptions of the data to make your life even easier.